IBM Maximo APM - Asset Health Insights On-Premises 7.6.1

IBM Maximo APM – Asset Health Insights product overview

By using IBM Maximo APM – Asset Health Insights, businesses can improve the visibility of the health of assets and locations and minimize downtime by preventing asset failures by monitoring factors, such as conditions, costs, performance, and remaining useful life.

The efficient monitoring of asset health enables companies to take the next best possible action to improve asset health including reducing preventive maintenance schedules and planning for repair or replacement. Maximo APM – Asset Health Insights allows you to optimize preventive maintenance by combining asset record information and sensor data so that businesses are better able to plan capital improvement.

By registering devices in the Watson IoT Platform, you can receive data from sensors on assets. In the Reliability Engineering Work Center, you can monitor asset conditions and trigger automated actions that are based on changes in data. By defining scoring methods, businesses can gain insight into the health of an asset or location, and they can take action based on the results, such as optimizing preventive maintenance schedules or replacement planning.

If you also have a license for IBM Maximo for Oil and Gas or IBM Maximo Health, Safety, and Environment Manager, you can investigate and reduce risks to assets by using the Risk Reduction tab.

You can configure the Reliability Engineering Work Center to show Google Maps™, Microsoft Bing® Maps, or Esri™ ArcGIS™ maps. Maps show assets in locations where registered sensors retrieve the most up-to-date data.

To improve forecasting and reduce risks to assets, you can use IBM IOT Weather Data on Cloud, and Maximo Asset Health Insights to access forecast, current, and historical weather data.

Data Profiles

You can now create a data profile for factors in a method or a driver. Data profiles increase the reliability of data analysis by validating factors and highlighting issues that undermine factor and driver accuracy. A data profile can be run or viewed from the Driver tab of a scoring method. Data profiles currently validate the following information:

  • Data type
  • Value count
  • Missing value count
  • Unique value count
  • Min value
  • Max value
  • Standard deviation

Condition Based Monitoring

You can now view condition-based monitoring rules in Maximo® APM – Asset Health Insights. The Asset Details tab of an asset now displays all condition based monitoring rules for work orders per meter. Multiple meters of the same asset can be selected to compare rules.

Criticality Scores

A new top-level value called criticality was added to Maximo APM – Asset Health Insights. An asset or location criticality value is calculated independently from the asset’s health score and allows you to rank the significance of an asset or location. Maximo APM – Asset Health Insights users can define attributes and formulas to calculate criticality on the Scoring Methods tab.

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To complete tasks that are related to asset and location health, you use both Maximo® Asset Health Insights and Maximo Asset Management.

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On April 21 2021, 11 AM CT